Ini Cerita Kami
Siti Khadijah merupakan pelopor perusahaan penyedia fashion muslim untuk sholat yang lebih dikenal mukena dengan cita-citanya untuk memastikan para wanita dapat memilih mukena yang tepat sesuai syariat melalui inovasi, motivasi wanita dan seni otentik
Kami telah mengoperasionalkan sebanyak 50 toko di Malaysia dan Indonesia, memproduksi lebih dari 600.000 mukena per tahunnya

Identitas Kami
Siti Khadijah sebagai pendamping spiritual terutama beribadah bagi wanita. Kami menciptakan, menyesuaikan, dan memproduksi pakaian sholat dan aksesoris untuk wanita khususnya para Sahabat Muslimah.
Setiap bagiannya dibuat dengan memperhatikan detail yang benar-benar sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Kami membangun hubungan dengan audiens kami yang jujur, tulus dan penuh kasih.
Our Secret to Success

One part of being a devout believer is to maintain a good relationship with The Almighty by adhering to Islamic beliefs and practices, in accordance to The Quran and Hadith. Thus, our product follows the same principle and are all made to be shariah compliance to minimize as much doubts possible while performing ibadah (Muslim religious rituals)

Another part of being a devout believer is to maintain good relationships with other human beings. We uphold positive values among employees to establish a harmonious working environment along with proper social behaviour in communicating, internally or externally. In addition, we extend this belief towards customers, referring to them as "Family SK", as tribute for their endless support

Finally, a devout believer takes an active role to conserve the environment. This is meant to show appreciation towards The Creator for the abundance blessings of nature. Our code of conduct takes environmental concerns into account to prevent wasting resources and contamination. Moreover, our effort is evident through products that are made from eco-friendly materials.